
Under the radar stays there

Posted in Linkage, OPML at 11:52 pm by cori

I was pretty interested when I saw Robert Scoble’s post about the companies presenting at this year’s Under The Radar. I though even if the companies themselves were of little interest to me at least listening in on their experiences at Under the Radar and the results they saw after UtR would make interesting reading. I decided it would be worth my time to slap together an OPML file – a reading list of the Under the Radar companies for 2005. Little did I know…well, see for yourselves.

Companies presenting at Under the Radar:

Now, I know I’ve been drinking the kool-aid, and I really didn’t expect all of these companies to have blogs, but I thought more than 1 in 10 of participants in “a one-day showcase of early-stage innovation” would be able to see the value of providing their news, white papers, and other timely information in RSS. Most of these companies were under my radar before Scoble’s post, and I expect most of them will remain there.

For what it’s worth, and OPML file of the 4 companies that do want to communicate with interested parties can be found here.

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